Why You Should Run SeaWheeze

In 2012 I found out about SeaWheeze about a month before the race, and it was most certainly sold out at that point, so right then and there I decided I’d be running SeaWheeze in 2013.


I wasted no time in signing up for the 2013 SeaWheeze race even though I had no one to go with. No matter, I was able to meet up with my friend Lexie and we had the most amazing time together (you can read my recaps here, here, here and here).

Now with just 15 days to go before 2014 SeaWheeze registration, I want to encourage you to sign up so you can run it with me!


For SeaWheeze 2013 I strayed from my tried and true Running Room plan and used the Lululemon provided plan and I think it worked out pretty well for me, considering I PR’d and all 🙂

Right now I believe there are 4 (including me) awesome ladies from Calgary coming, my friend Lexie from Vancouver (and her sister, I think?) and (hopefully!) a from Victoria. In my perfect world, we will rent an amazing suite close to the start/finish line (unlike my looong walk last year!) to maximize awesomeness (killer hotel room and location! location! location!) and minimize the cost.

So, I want to convince you to sign up for SeaWheeze to run it with me! (Just register after I do, so I get my spot, okay?!).

Never ran a half marathon before?

Don’t worry about it. The race is 7 months away. Let me tell you, seven months is more than enough time to get training. Seriously!

SeaWheeze doesn’t really focus on being competitive, as there are no age group awards, the idea is just to run and have fun while doing it! Perks also include exclusive Lululemon gear (sorry credit card), free massages, an awesome brunch, yoga and a concert.

Not sure how to train?

That’s where the Lululemon training plan and I come in!

You may not know this, but I spent years coaching speed and synchronized swimming and, although I’m not certified, I really want to be your coach/cheerleader/person to inspire and motivate you to run SeaWheeze!

If you’re in Calgary and are planning to run SeaWheeze – let me know! I want to connect with you – maybe we can go on runs together, or we can meet for coffee, or email back and forth about how you feel your training is going. You can also download RunKeeper (it’s FREE!) for your iPhone (and Andriod, I think?) so we can keep up with each other’s training – you just need to friend me here.

I’ll be updating my blog with the training plan once it’s released and I hope to do a weekly training post as well to answer any questions, address any training issues and just keep people motivated!

Still on the fence about it?

Leave me a comment below or send me an email through my contact form with any questions or concerns you may have. I had so much fun in Vancouver last year (Vancouver is one of my most favourite cities in the world) that I plan on running SeaWheeze every year!

Are you a guy and thinking about running SeaWheeze? Not to fear! About 10% of the people last year were guys – and you’ll be surrounded by a sea of females all in Luon, it’s a can’t lose situation!!

Tell me: Will I see you in Vancouver in August?

Treat Yourself Tuesday: 12/31

Here we are, the last day of 2013.


I’ve always loved the feeling of starting a new year.

This past week has been a bit busy for me (hence the minimal blogging) but I did manage to treat myself from Sephora and Lululemon with some nice Boxing Day sales at the mall.

My sister and I even had a bit of a spa day with some of the products I purchased.


Nothing cooler than a black face mask 🙂


brisk bloom


I’m in love with how pretty this hoodie is! White and I don’t always get along, but I’m willing to risk it for this one!


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I’m working really hard to take better care of my skin and I’ve fallen in love with boscia products, especially the black peel off mask! I might look a little crazy, but it’s amazing on my skin!

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The Bumble and Bumble purchase is an experiment for me. This fall I purchased inexpensive shampoo and conditioner, but finished them in a month. I’m trying these (even though they’re pricey) because if I can get them to last 3-4 months, the cost per use will be less than the cheap stuff – and I’ll get to use my fancy pants shampoo!

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Because it is the best mascara ever. The end.

Tell me: How did you treat yourself this week?

#SeaWheeze: What I learned

Are you sick of me talking about my awesome weekend?


Don’t answer that.

Moving on.

I really felt like I learned a LOT this weekend. I wasn’t expecting to, but isn’t that how these things work?!

  1. Everything works out. My original plans may have fallen through, but I really did make the best of the situation. (Okay, I totally pouted, THEN I made the best of it). I was able to meet an awesome gal who is now an awesome friend (Hi, Lexie!), go to two yoga sessions (beach! sunset! 2000 people!) and enjoy an outdoor concert.
  2. I’m good with me. When my plans fell through my first (selfish) thought was But what will I dooooooo?! (yeah, I totally whined). I’m good with me. I really am. I went out to eat by myself, wandered by myself, took pictures. I’m good with me. I’m a 50/50 introvert/extrovert and this weekend really showed me the best of both.
  3. I can be outgoing when I need to. I’m not normally good at striking up conversations with people I don’t know, but I was able to make friends on the airplane (both flights!) and make a friend while walking to pick up my package. Amy’s husband was in charge of the YouTube videos and she flew in with 120 other people from Austin, TX for the race. So cool! Lexie and I chilled in line for about an hour with Amy while we waited to pick up our packages. I normally worry FAR too much about striking up conversations with people I don’t know, but I did it ALL THE TIME this weekend. I survived.
  4. Learn from your mistakes. I’d head a LOT of criticism about the 2012 SeaWheeze race: lack of organization, etc, but this year? I saw no issues. There were 10,000 people there and it was great. Were there lines? Yup. But there were 10,000 people there; lines are a given.
  5. I’m crazy. Today restarts my marathon training. Yup. 8 weeks until my marathon. Pardon me while I freak out a bit. 8 weeks?! Yup. Crazy.
  6. Mind over matter. There were times in the race where I hurt; where I wanted to walk; where I didn’t know if I could push through, but I did. Yes, I was gunning for a 1:55, but I set three goals 1) 1:55, 2) PR (which I DID!), 3) have fun (met this one too!). I was really sore after my race, so sore I thought I actually injured my hip pretty badly, but it’s feeling good today. I didn’t let it get me down. Attitude is everything, my friends.

#SeaWheeze Day 1

#SeaWheeze Day 2

#SeaWheeze: The other stuff

#SeaWheeze – The other stuff

I’ll bet you thought after the shopping and running I’d be done with posting? Nope. Not a chance 🙂 Vancouver is such an amazing city, I wanted to include a post about the other stuff I did – although there is so much more than what I did!

Sunday morning I slept in a bit, laid in bed for a bit, and then took myself on a walk for brunch at Chewies in Kitsalino. Chewies came recommended by both the Food Network and by lululemon, so I definitely wanted to give it a try! I had the crab cake eggs benedict for breakfast and it didn’t disappoint. They also have an oyster bar, but I wasn’t feeling oysters at 10:30am 🙂

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While i was eating it started raining buckets. Boo. I managed to find a Car2Go car nearby and debated between heading to the hotel or to Van Dusen Gardens. Thankfully the rain started to let up as I was driving so I decided to risk it and head to the gardens. I’m super pumped I drove in Vancouver and didn’t get lost! I picked the perfect time to head to Van Dusen as the rain scared everyone away and the lighting was truly amazing.

I walked around for two hours and took over 300 pictures of the flowers in the gardens. It was such a peaceful way to spend part of my Sunday.

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After Van Dusen I drove back to my hotel, dropped off my big camera and headed down Robson. I had shopped myself out on Friday, but if you’re looking to shop in Vancouver, Robson is the place to do it for sure! My trip was to pick up some oils at Saje Wellness and peanut butter at Whole Foods. Man, oh man, do I ever wish Calgary had a Whole Foods. We do have a health food market, but it is nothing like the amazingness of Whole Foods!

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After walking myself out, I chilled in my hotel room for a bit before researching places for dinner. Whenever I travel I do my best to eat a local restaurnts and avoid the chains. Not that chain restaurants are bad, but I do like trying local fare whenever possible, and in Vancouver, that means seafood!

The Mill came recommended by lululemon AND it was located on the seawall. Local dinner outside? Done!

I enjoyed two beer cocktails: cucumber blonde (cucumber, gin, lemonade and blonde lager) and a golden callidac (Grand Marnier, OJ, honey lager and a salted rim) alongside my seafood pasta. (In case you’re wondering, yes, I do eat ALL THE FOOD the day after a race!).

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After dinner I went to Bella Gelateria. I had seen a HUGE line up on Saturday evening, so I KNEW the gelato had to be good. It was amazing. I had a two scoop dish with lavender and an east indian flavour with rosewater, saffron and pistachio. (It was so good I went back on Monday before heading back to the airport and had lavender and earl grey!).

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There is FAR more to do in Vancouver than the little I did. I’d really like to try paddleboarding or even paddleboard yoga (Kelowna has paddleboard yoga, so I might have to check that out over Labour Day) next time I’m in town.

And now? Time to head home to my bed and my kitty 🙂

#SeaWheeze Day 2: Race Recap

After shopping ‘til I dropped yesterday, I met up again with Lexie and we walked to sunset yoga on the beach. I’m truly at a loss for words for how amazing this yoga on the beach was. It’s been FAR too long since I went to a yoga class, so being able to look out at the sun setting over the water was unreal.

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Isn’t that sunset just amazing? It was so awesome.

After finishing up yoga, I headed to my hotel and fell into bed. I was able to sleep well from 10:30 until 6am, so felt awesome rested when I woke up.

It was a 15 minute walk to the start line and the bag drop was one of the best I’ve ever seen. Truly. I’d heard the bag drop was a bit of a mess last year, but this year was flawless. Our bags were all tagged for us, so we just walked to the appropriate booth, dropped and off I went. I decided to skip the sunrise stretch and went to locate my corral so I could start to focus. While I’m normally pretty chatty, I do not like to talk before a race. Back when I was swimming I was the same. I’d pretty much blow off anyone who tried to talk to me because my brain didn’t like it.

I was able to line up near the 1:55 pace group and spotted this guy

photo (40) Ahhhh. That made my morning 🙂

With over 10,000 runners it took a loooong time to get to the start line. I never looked at the clock, just started my watch and of we went!

I have a problem starting too quickly in races, so I wanted to make sure I felt good and comfortable starting off. Well, my first km was done in 5:15. So much for starting easy! I kept my focus on keeping my run comfortable, as I knew I could speed up near the finish – I didn’t want to do what happened last October and burn myself out too quickly.

The first 6km were flat-ish. There was a hill off the bat, but then the course leveled off until the 6km mark. That’s were it got messy. There was a BIG hill to a steady incline and then an over and back of the Burrard St Bridge. Now, if you drive it, you probably don’t think it’s that bad. Running over at the 7km mark and back at the 11km mark hurts. Lots. Thankfully once that was done the course was flat. Well, flat until the 18km mark where there was a short but steep hill. I did not like that one bit.

Throughout the race I kept telling myself not to worry about speeding up too early – but I was calculating my finish time constantly. From about the 7km mark I was sitting at just over a 5:30/km average – I knew that pace would give a PR; it might not be the 1:55 I was hoping for, but knew it would be a PR regardless.

The cheers stations were amazing.

Fact: high-fives make you run faster. True story.

Although I was going for a PR, I made sure to high-five the volunteers, and even made sure to high five a truly adorable girl around 4, just because she was cute.

I felt my race was going really, really well until around the 18km mark. I wouldn’t say I hit a wall, but I was tired. Hills and humidity are tough to run in. I’m sure the altitude of Calgary helped, but Calgary is neither hilly, nor humid, so I did have that working against me.

I wanted to push hard from 19km on knowing it was only 2km and after that I’d be done, but I just didn’t have anything left. My right glute (okay, arse) was cramping and I did my best to punch it while running to try and work the knot out, but I was fatigued. I’m glad we weren’t wearing traditional bibs as the look on my face crossing the finish line was likely one of pure pain; I was truly gutting it out.

And, to think in October I’m going to run double the distance. Ouch.


My actual time was 1:58.20, so not far off my RunKeeper. I finished 979/8422 people, so I’m SUPER happy about that, too!

photo (1)  Please note the 598m in elevation change. My average run in Calgary is about a 50m elevation change and the incline run I did with my dad in Kelowna was a 115m elevation change. So. 598m?! HURTS. Seriously, those spikes are freaking nutso.

lululemon did an amazing job of treating the runners well. Our medals this year are a wooden picture frame, and photobooths were set up for pictures. I was bagged, so I’m hoping I’ll be able to get my picture at the Sunset Festival tonight.

I did manage to get a free (FREE!) massage after the race. Yes, people actually touched my gross, sweaty runners body. Woo!

This was then followed by watermelon.

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WHY have I not thought of watermelon after a race before now?! It was so glorious and amazing and I loved it so, so much.

Next up?


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While I appreciate bananas after a race, this was fantastic. Such a great idea.

I was too busy stuffing food into my face to take a picture for you. Sorry I’m not sorry.

Now that I’ve showered I feel pretty amazing and plan on relaxing for the next 3 or so hours until going to the yoga, food and concert festival. They also have beer. And pad thai.

This race?

Amazeballs. I’ll be back next year for sure!

#SeaWheeze Day 1: The Goods

It’s currently 3pm Vancouver time and I had originally hoped to be napping right now, but my body just isn’t cooperating. Instead of going to bed at a decent hour last night, I stayed up until nearly 1am and was up at 5:30am to catch my flight to Vancouver. Whoops. That didn’t go exactly as planned. Instead of napping, I’m waiting to digest a delicious lunch of fish tacos before I head up for a quick run to warm up my legs for the race tomorrow. Ack! Tomorrow!!

I’m also chilling in VanCity by myself for the next few days. Originally I was supposed to have some company on this trip, but life happens (actually, work happens) and it didn’t work out, so I’m making the best of it 🙂

After landing I made friends (who are also running and are also staying at my hotel) and we took transit into downtown (and later learned it would have been cheaper for the 4 of us to split a cab, but only a few dollars per person, but still……) and we were all able to check into our rooms before 10am. Hooray!

I immediately headed to the Convention Centre as I heard rumours of super long lines. On the way I made another friend, and we chatted the whole walk there and also hung out in line together. For an hour. Seriously. Thankfully my dear friend Lexie was able to get there a bit earlier and we skipped a portion of wait. Thanks Lexie!

I heard grumblings about it being disorganized, but aside from having to usher 10,014 people through package pick up, I didn’t notice any disorganization at all. After picking up our race packages, which include an awesome wristband instead of a bib (yay!) we hoped in the line for the store. (Let’s face it, that’s what we care about, right?!)

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The store all set up Thursday night in preparation for today. So pretty!

All-in-all it took about 2 hours to go from arriving at the Convention Centre to walking out of the store with our goods, so I’d say that wasn’t terribly bad at all.

I did hear stories about the store selling out early last year and noticed a few items in the more popular sizes were already quite low by noon on Saturday, but there was a 15 item limit and, aside from a few, it looked like people were honouring those limits.

Leading up to SeaWheeze not a whole lot of people were loving the sneak peeks of the colourways and items, but I have to say, I’m absolutely thrilled with my haul!

photo (17) The whole shebang! 🙂

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I know, I know. I’m 30 and I’m wearing a striped hoodie that a 6-year old could wear. I’m cool with it. In fact, I’m wearing it right now 🙂

Yes, that’s a yoga mat that says SeaWheeze in the right corner – i need something for yoga on the beach tonight and yoga in the park tomorrow!

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I am so in love with navy right now, you have NO idea. I’m even semi considering breaking the cardinal running rule and wearing something new on race day. Yikes!

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No, I’m not as angry as I look in this picture, but I am as tired as I look!

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On the schedule for the rest of today is a quick run, a stop at Whole Foods for a light dinner (hooray for Whole Foods!), yoga on the beach and then SLEEP!

I don’t expect to have much in the way of pictures of the race tomorrow as I plan on running, but I have fun things planned for Saturday after the race and on Sunday.

Man, I just love Vancouver.