October Goals

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Holy moly, friends. Can you believe it’s October?! Wowie. It seems time has flown by since June – it’s unbelievable!

I haven’t set any monthly goals for myself in a long time, but I feel like I’m in a great place lately, so it’s time to start growing and stretching myself.

Embrace the taper

tapering_white I feel like I need a copy of this t-shirt for me. I’m not a big fan of tapering; I find it can start to mess with my mind and I question my physical ability. Tapering starts today, so my goal is to embrace my taper and sick to my training plan.

Enjoy my marathon

While I’ve set some time goals for myself in regards to my race, I really just want to enjoy it and have a great Thanksgiving with my family.

I will finish my race (I will! I will! I will!) and I will enjoy it!

(I’m sure I’ll also enjoy planting my butt on the couch afterwards!)

Cross train!

Even after posting about cross training, I’ve been pretty lax about it. While I’m not going to do anything crazy between now and my marathon (in twelve days!) I know I need to start doing way more cross training. For October, I will be doing a 30-day ab challenge. I actually have terrible posture (I stand with a sway back and it’s terrible) and I know working my abs will improve my posture and make me a better runner.

(Ab challenge to be posted later this week).


I’m giving myself 3-weeks off from major running and training after the marathon. I’m going to take my rest and once I’m feeling better, I want to hop on the cross training train by way of my Nike+ training workouts and trying out some spin classes at the spin studio a block away from me.

Stay in the green zone for my budget

My awesome budgeting app highlights my spending areas as green (within budget), yellow (approaching the max) and red (over spent) and my goal for October is to keep my spending in the green zone for my budget areas. It’ll take some work, but thinking about my expenses definitely helps me to feel calmer and in control.

What are you hoping to accomplish this October?

3 thoughts on “October Goals

  1. Pingback: What I’m reading this month | Cowgirl Runs

  2. Pingback: October Budget | Cowgirl Runs

  3. Pingback: October Goals Wrap Up | Cowgirl Runs

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